Berkeley - 122 Waverly Ct
Martinsburg, WV 25403
Morgan - 137 War Memorial Dr.
Berkeley Springs, WV 25411
Tel: (304).263.5131 - Berkeley
Tel: (304).258.1513 - Morgan
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Clinical Services
We provide clinical services with the focus being prevention, promotion and protection. The goal of this strategy is to provide services that improve the quality of life for the citizens of Berkeley & Morgan County.
We offer a wide range of services that include blood pressure screening, breast and cervical cancer screening, communicable disease prevention, family planning, HIV/Aids testing and counseling, Immunizations, lab testing, STD testing and counseling, and tuberculosis screening.
Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program
Public Health Nurses provide this clinic for under-insured women to screen for breast and cervical cancer. The women receive a pap smear according to the program schedule and breast exams. Referral for mammograms are provided based on age and/or need.
Diabetic Education
Clinical staff provides education dealing with exercise, dietary concerns, and monitor usage.
HIV/AIDS Testing and Counseling
Confidential and anonymous HIV/AIDS testing, diagnosis, and treatment. Counseling and prevention education provided. Provide referrals for treatment. This service is free of charge.
Immunization Program
Immunizations for preventable childhood/adult diseases are available for eligible children and adults during our regular immunization clinic hours or by appointment. Limited adult vaccines available. Yearly flu clinics are conducted onsite and throughout the community by request.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDS)
Confidential counseling, screening and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases is offered by appointment.
Communicable Disease Program
Involves outbreak investigation, reporting, and providing education to providers and the community.
Family Planning Program
Clinics are offered through our Berkeley County Health Department location and are conducted by contracting clinicians for men and women for family planning services. The women are provided a pap smear, breast exam, appropriate laboratory testing and birth control supplies. The cost of the exam is minimal and the birth control supplies are free.
Hypertension Screenings
Counseling, education, and referrals provided for those individuals with hypertension. This service offered free of charge.
Influenza Information and Vaccination
Seasonal Influenza Vaccination and information for all ages available during regular immunization clinics or by appointment.
Tuberculosis Program
PPD skin testing for exposure to TB. Free x-ray clinic for positive results and consult with physician through state program. Screening is provided during regular immunization clinics and by appointment. If you receive a TB test, you will need to return in 48-72 hours to have the test read. Case management services for positive skin tests and active TB includes treatment and follow-up as well as contact testing/treatment as necessary. Chest X-Ray’s provided by appointment only for follow-up TB test reactor or physician’s referral.