Berkeley - 122 Waverly Ct
Martinsburg, WV 25403
Morgan - 137 War Memorial Dr.
Berkeley Springs, WV 25411
Tel: (304).263.5131 - Berkeley
Tel: (304).258.1513 - Morgan
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Family Planning Program
Our program is designed to assist clients in reaching informed decisions regarding their reproductive health and in the choice of use of family planning methods and services.
All clients receive thorough and accurate counseling on sexually transmitted disease as well as testing for these diseases. Supplies and pregnancy testing are available on site at our Berkeley County Health Department at no cost.
Comprehensive medical history review and clinical examination which may include:
Clinical breast exam and instruction on monthly self-exam
Testicular exam and instruction on self-exam
Screening and treatment for some sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
Pap test and pelvic exams performed beginning at age 21
Menstrual/sexual history
Pregnancy testing
Free Contraceptive Methods:
Intrauterine device (ParaGard® Copper T380A) (Mirena®)
Hormonal Implants (Nexplanon®)
Birth control shots (Depo-Provera®)
Contraceptive Ring (NuvaRing®)
Contraceptive Patch (Ortho Evra®)
Birth control pills
Foam and condoms
Diaphragms (Ortho ALL-FLEX® Arcing Spring)
Vaginal Contraceptive Film
Emergency contraceptive pills (Plan B®)
Natural family planning
Abstinence information
Surgical sterilization (tubal ligation and vasectomy)
Free Contraceptive Methods:
How pregnancy occurs
Birth control methods
Behaviors that place people at risk for getting STD including HIV
Reproductive Life Planning
Pregnancy options
Resisting pressure to engage in sexual activities
Preconception counseling and the benefits of folic acid before becoming pregnant
Basic infertility information
Follow-up and referral for identified medical needs