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02/07/25 Public Health Education Topic: MERS

Health Department

Per CDC:

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is a viral respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus called Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).

The virus can spread from camels to people through direct physical contact.

Limited human-to-human transmission is possible.

MERS has caused severe respiratory disease in most diagnosed cases, and many of those patients died. Typical symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

Most MERS cases have been detected in countries in or near the Arabian Peninsula. However, a number of cases linked to travel have been detected in countries outside this region.

Who Is At Risk

You may be at increased risk of getting MERS if you:

  • Recently (in the past 14 days) returned from travel in or near the Arabian Peninsula, and especially if you also:

    • Worked in or visited a healthcare setting

    • Had direct physical contact with camels (including touching or grooming)

    • Had close contact with a person who was sick with fever or respiratory symptoms

  • Had close contact in the past 14 days with someone who was sick with fever or respiratory symptoms of unknown cause after they had traveled in or near the Arabian Peninsula

  • Had close contact in the past 14 days with someone who has tested positive for MERS

When to call your healthcare provider‎

If you develop fever or symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough or shortness of breath, within 14 days of the above activities, call a healthcare provider. Tell your healthcare provider about any reason you may be at increased risk for MERS.


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