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B-MCBOH: September 16, 2024, Board Meeting Agenda - Update

Location: Virtual Only via Zoom

Date and Time: Sept 16, 2024, at 4:00pm 


Call to Order/Opening Comments – Lisa Poland

Approval of Agenda

Review/Acceptance of Minutes:  August 2024

Departmental Reports:

  • Epi Report – Robert Deener

  • Nursing Report – Tanya Manley

  • Environmental Report – Marty Snider

  • Threat Prep Report – Jennifer Schetrompf

  • Administrator Report – Cara Harding

  • Financial Report – Bill Kearns

  • Health Officer Report – Dr. Kevin McLaughlin

Public Comment:

Unfinished Business:

New Business:  FY2024 Audit award

Executive Session: Salary of Health Officer

Potential decisions from Executive Session.


Meeting ID: 886 9998 4090 Passcode: 202788         +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)



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