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Mobile Food Vendor Freedom Act

Health Department

Mobile Food Vendor Freedom Act: EFFECTIVE JUNE 7TH, 2023

Key things to know about this new law if you are a mobile vendor:

1. The Mobile Food Vendor Freedom Act, ONLY applies for WEST VIRGINIA RESIDENTS

2. You MUST get a “vendor county of residence” permit with your county of residence!

3. If you would like a reciprocity permit, you must alert the county you are wishing to travel

to at least 14 days prior NO EXCEPTIONS.


You live in Berkeley County and have a mobile unit. You are permitted with Berkeley County but, are hoping to work in Jefferson County:

  • You call Jefferson County AT LEAST 14 days prior.

  • You will fill out an application for reciprocity, schedule an inspection, AND receive a reciprocity permit.

4. Your reciprocity permit is valid for the same amount of time as your county of residence


5. You must get a reciprocity permit for each individual county you wish to operate in.

6. Your reciprocity permit is free of charge but, upon an inspection, if a reinspection is

needed you can be charged a reinspection fee.

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